Mar 28, 2019
David Rubin-Will the left change their tune on the wall once
it's built?
Sally Pipes-Should you be required to work in order to get
Ann Coulter-Should we be surprised that the Mueller investigation
didn't prove a conspiracy theory?
Peter Roff-Is the left's push to expand the Supreme Court
potentially damaging...
Mar 27, 2019
Frank Gaffney-Should Jussie Smollett have been cleared of all
charges and his record sealed?
Mark Mills-If the Green New Deal passes, will we see an explosion
of tech-energy economy?
Hans Von Spakovsky-Is Russia still meddling with the American
elections process?
Grover Norquist-How much of America’s taxpayer money...
Mar 26, 2019
Marc Lotter-Is the results of the Mueller report vindication for
the President, or is it something else?
Juan Williams-Does the left plan to let the collusion claim drop,
or will the double down and push harder?
Jim Antle-As an editor, does your publication apologize when they
get it wrong, and will the media apologize...
Mar 23, 2019
Dr. Victor Davis Hanson-How does your book portray the meteoric
presidential rise of Donald Trump?
Christian Toto-Why are critics knocking movies about racists who
realize they're wrong?
Dr. Henry Miller-Should we be worried about eating genetically
altered fish?
Marian Tupy-Have scientists discovered a solution for...
Mar 22, 2019
Bill Whalen-How is one state's liberal governor throwing a
wrench into the plans of 2020 Democrat candidates?
Seton Motley-How will working with Brazil help to push global free
Alan Gottlieb -What should we expect from New Zealand gun owners
who are having their guns taken by the government?
Lee Spieckerman-Are...